Assistant program

✓ The manufacturing factory that concluded the contract for the registration of products in the territory of the Republic of

Loyalty program

FOR WHAT LOYALTY PROGRAM IS CREATED? Loyalty program is a marketing tool aimed at creating long-term relationships with Customers. Loyalty


MISSION. To provide effective work and quality service to our partners. Assistance in expanding the range and quality of medical

Other services

✓ Obtaining official confirmation of the need/absence of the need for state registration of a medical device and drug products.

Turnkey projects

Blitz Medica LLP offers a turnkey project for registration, which will include all possible costs, including examination, state charge, transfers,

Import authorization

This service is provided in cases when the Customer needs to make (one-time) import of (un) registered medical device into

Approval of advertising materials

Blitz Medica LLP undertakes the collection, processing and preparation of advertising materials, as well as accompanies this process in the

Market analysis

Our company provides marketing research services using extensive data collection resources to implement plans of concerned parties (foreign investor, domestic


Pharmacovigilance is a type of activity related to the definition, collection, evaluation, study and prevention of the occurrence of adverse


Blitz Medica LLP will take over the entire procedure for collecting the necessary documents, preparing the necessary conditions and supporting


This item of the services of Blitz Medica LLP includes several procedures performed in the field of metrology. ✓ Receiving


This group of services includes: ✓ Evaluation of the safety and quality of drug products and medical products carried out

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